How Social Media Can Fuel Your Small Business Website

The power of social media continues to grow. Although it should never be considered as a replacement for your small business website (everything on your website is yours, while everything on social media platforms is theirs), there is no denying the importance of incorporating social media into your digital marketing strategy and the benefits of doing so. Yes, using social media to promote your brand takes time and focus, making it seem like a daunting task, but whether you like it or not, it’s necessary. Here’s how social media can fuel your small business website and why you should never underestimate its value.
Social media drives traffic to your website.
Social media can literally fuel your small business website by funneling traffic there. Your social media profiles allow you to feature a link to your website, whether it’s an eCommerce, association, or restaurant website. This works as a backlink. So by creating social media profiles, you are creating other avenues through which customers can discover your business and click on your URL.
Additionally, when you use social media to promote a new blog post published at your small business website or a new service or product that you’ve added, that link that you share in your social media update, such as a tweet or Facebook post, can be clicked by your followers, thus taking them back to your website. Social media is like finding a group of people, getting their attention and saying, “Hey! Follow me over here,” and they do. If nothing else, use social media as a way to drive traffic back to your small business website.
Social media makes you look like an expert.
So long as you stay in your lane and stick to the subject matter of your industry, you can use social media as way to give the impression that you are a leading expert. Let’s say you’re a chiropractor. By offering free chiropractic advice on your social media feed and articles that inform and educate people about keeping their backs and necks healthy and pain-free, you can easily position yourself as an expert. And who doesn’t want to do business with an expert? When it comes time to book an appointment, you can feel confident that potential patients who have been following your social media will be booking their appointments on your chiropractor website.
Social media engages your customers.
Think about your real-life friends. Didn’t your friendship begin with casual but engaging conversations? When you engage with your social media followers in a friendly and positive manner, they become fans and admirers, which could potentially turn them into clients. Folks like doing business with or making a purchase from someone they like. Social media is an opportunity for you to be noticed, appreciated, and liked.
Social media makes you accessible.
People like people. People want to do business with people. People want to talk to people. It sounds simple enough. In a world that has become very digital, consumers want transparency and interaction. They want to be able to get a hold of you by whatever means is convenient for them. Be accessible in every form possible: telephone, website, email, and, of course, social media.
Social media complements your website, branding, and messaging.
Your small business brand has its own unique way of doing things and saying things. By keeping that tone and messaging consistent on your social media, potential customers will know what to expect of you. It’s like an advertisement in a magazine or a billboard sign. Social media is another avenue through which you can strengthen the personality and message of your brand.
Social media doesn’t appear to be going anywhere soon. And for now, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are free. Take advantage of that while you can. Keep social media as an active tool in your digital marketing strategy and use it to fuel your small business website. If you need tips on setting up social media profiles and how to integrate it within your website, read this article on our blog.
How is social media driving traffic to your website and complementing your brand? Leave us a comment below and share your tips.