3 Ways to Build the Best Dental Website

For any small business these days, having a website is a basic requirement. Unfortunately, many small business owners treat the process of building a website like people treat a task they can’t wait to finish. They rush through it as quickly as possible so that they can scratch it off their to-do list. What they don’t realize is that they’re hurting their own business and doing their clients a tremendous disservice. However, if you run a dental practice, this fact should excite you. Why? Because it means you have the opportunity make your website, and your business, stand out from your competition. What’s better, this can be accomplished without a ton of work. Huzzah! Here are three simple ways to build the best dental website and ensure that yours outshines the rest.
Focus on WHY Somebody Is Visiting Your Site
More often than not, people are looking for a dentist for one of two reasons: it’s time for a cleaning, or they have an emergency. If we already know why somebody is visiting your dental website, we probably have a good idea what information they’re looking for. In both of those cases, your visitors need two key pieces of information: how to contact your office for an appointment and where your office is located. Everything else is secondary.
This information is even more critical when viewing your site on a mobile device. A visitor looking at a dental website on their phone is likely en route to your office and could be lost, or running late, or any number of other reasons that they’re in quick need of getting in touch with your dental office.
Giving your visitors quick access to the information they need at the time they most need it is going to enhance your patient’s experience and a happy patient is a loyal one.
Content, Content, Content
If you were to visit a dozen random dental office websites, you will undoubtedly see a very similar navigation menu on each, such as links for testimonials, office hours, a contact form, and a map to the office. What you’re less likely to see is a hearty blog chock-full of helpful information written by the dentists themselves.
I get it. As a dentist, you are busy during the day seeing patients. But, spending a few hours each week writing blog content can help your dental website in a number of ways:
It’s a chance for your patients to learn more about your dental practice and your industry.
You can build a connection with your patients beyond that of the simple dentist-patient relationship.
Google loves fresh content. A continual stream of new blog post content on your dental website can help to propel your business up the search engine results without having to purchase an ad.
Mobile-Friendly Is Vital!
I feel like I say this in every post I write. If your visitors can’t easily find and read the content they need on your website while on their mobile device, your chances of converting them into clients aren’t good.
Sixty percent (or more) of traffic to websites happens on mobile devices. People need to be able to find key information quickly and easily. Browsing for other information on your site should be convenient, too.
People’s attention spans are short and their patience with sites that are hard to navigate is even shorter. Making your business site stand out in a sea of mediocre ones isn’t difficult. With a little time and effort, your dental website can be top of the class!