Does Your Brand Need a Refresh?

Your business today probably looks a lot different than it did when you first started. You may have had only one product to start and now you have a hundred. Or, you started off working with one type of small business owners and now you’re working with Fortune 500 companies. Changes in your business may not be that drastic, but still, things change, and a brand refresh may be a necessary measure to keep your business successful.
Is it time for a brand refresh?
When was the last time you looked at your website? No, I don’t mean when was the last time you logged in and checked your stats or wrote a new blog post. I mean, when was the last time you took a step back and looked at your website as if you were coming to it for the first time? Take a second and do that now.
When you looked at your site, was the focus on your latest products or services? Is the messaging targeted towards the type of clients you’re looking to attract? Be honest, if you were coming to your site for the first time, would you do business with your company?
Prepping for a refresh
Once you’ve made the decision to refresh your brand, there are a few steps you should take before you dive in. Here are some to get you started:
1. Ask for input
The story you tell about your business, products, and services needs to match the experience of your clients and employees. Internal and external interviews can uncover those hard-to-find gems that make your company stand out.
2. Consider your target
When you first started your business, you probably had an idea as to what your target client looked like. Take a look at the last six months of data and see if your current ones look anything like you originally expected.
3. Review your messaging
Now that you know what your customers look like today, is your messaging appropriate for them? Reviewing and rewriting your content to target your current clients can help you attract more of the same.
4. Logos and color schemes
The idea of changing your company logo and color scheme may seem daunting. But even companies like IBM and Amazon have had logo changes over the years. If your logo doesn’t reflect your brand, you could be doing your business a disservice.
5. Update your communication style
A brand refresh goes beyond what you see on a company’s website. It needs to trickle down to all the ways you communicate with your clients. If your website is light and fun but your emails and newsletters are stuffy and corporate, that’s a problem. Your customers want a consistent experience through the entire lifecycle of working with your company. Make sure you’re giving it to them.
The path to a powerful brand
Building a strong brand that stands out amongst your competition and draws the interest of your target audience isn’t likely to happen on the first try. Your website and your company brand need to evolve as your business and clients do. A brand refresh can be the next step in reaching your goal of building a powerful brand.